
Task Manager App :memo: A beautifully designed, easy-to-use task manager to help streamline your daily tasks. :sparkles:


:rocket: Features Task Management :heavy_plus_sign: Add new tasks with a simple click :wastebasket: Swiftly delete unwanted tasks :white_check_mark: Toggle tasks as completed Intuitive UI :art: Clean and minimalist design :computer: Installation & Setup

Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/TaskManagerApp.git

Navigate to the project directory:
cd TaskManagerApp

Install dependencies:
npm install

Fire up the app:
npm start

:tada: The app should now be running at http://localhost:3000.

:gear: Usage Adding a Task: Click on the “Add Task” icon and fill in your task details. Deleting a Task: Hover over a task and click the cross icon to remove it. Toggling Task Status: Double click on the task for prioritize the task or reset its status.

:handshake: Contributing Your contributions are always welcome! Please check the CONTRIBUTING.md guide for more details.